Monday 28 April 2014

Text for first two pages

Chosen topics for pages:
Homepage: What is Viral Marketing
Page 1: How it began
Page 2: Platforms
Page 3: Purpose

Homepage Text
Viral Marketing is a marketing technique, whereby information about a company’s goods and services is passed electronically from one Internet user to another.

For example, goods from amazon can be electronically advertised on social networks such as Facebook. These pages of specific goods can then be shared or passed from one friend to another.
Viral marketing is more effective than third-party advertising because it conveys an implied endorsement from a friend.

You know when your on your Facebook home page, reading your news feed, you see those shoes you were looking at earlier on the side of the page. It gives you an option to send or share to freinds, and you think, 'O why not? Kate's been asking to see them anyway! So you click 'share' and it comes up on everyone of your friend's facebook news feeds. This encouraes them to view the shoes, possibly even other goods on the website. This in turn, brings more attention to the site and resulting in people buying from the site.

Page 1 Text
In 1996, a web-based email service was launched, called 'Hotmail'. Each email sent through Hotmail included a promotional pitch, with a clickable URL link. This is how it began. Every person who sent an email through Hotmail, became in involantry salesperson, simply by using the service / product.

Even thought the emails were clearly advertisements, they worked a lot better than normal poster or website advertisements. They were an implied endorsement from a freind, meaning the friend has used this product and service and are highly recommending it. It works a lot like your favourite DJ reading commercials.

Hotmail quickly spread over the global networks, much like how a virus would spread, hence the term, 'viral marketing'. Hotmail's subscriber base quickly grew from zero to 12 million users in 18 months, with an advertising budget of $50,000.

It became the largest email provider in several countries, including Sweden and India, where it had done  no marketing whatsoever.

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